Adventure Creator Wikia

Description: this custom action allows you to verify if an specific language is currently in use.

To use this custom action you have to create a new text file and rename it ActionCheckLanguage.cs then add it to your custom actions folder (which can be setup in the Action manager) or you can drop it in the Actions folder under Adventure Creator/Scripts/Actions.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

using UnityEditor;
 namespace AC
	public class ActionCheckLanguage : ActionCheck
 		// Declare variables here
 		public int currentLanguage;
 		public ActionCheckLanguage ()
 			this.isDisplayed = true;
 			category = ActionCategory.Custom;
 			title = "Check Language";
 			description = "Checks which Lenguage is currently set.";
 		public override bool CheckCondition ()
 			if (Options.GetLanguage () == currentLanguage)
 				return true;
 			return false;
 		override public void ShowGUI ()
 			// Action-specific Inspector GUI code here
 			currentLanguage = EditorGUILayout.IntField ("Current language index:", currentLanguage);
 		public override string SetLabel ()
 			// Return a string used to describe the specific action's job.
 			return ("(" + currentLanguage + ")");