Adventure Creator Wikia

This is a small custom action for use in conjunction with the FinalIK Interactions Integration (AC Action) provided by Snebjorn. To use it, the interaction should be set to pause at whatever point you would like to run additional actions (for instance, if you want to animate the interaction object, call dialogue, etc. within an action list or cutscene rather than within the interaction system). When you want to resume/finish the interaction, use this custom action.

To use it replace the text in a .cs file named FinalIK_ResumeInteraction with this text, or create a new blank text file, then paste the text and rename the file FinalIK_ResumeInteraction.cs. Then drop the file into the folder named actions inside the Adventure creator folder.

This is the code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using RootMotion.FinalIK;

using UnityEditor;
 namespace AC
 	public class FinalIK_ResumeInteraction : Action
 		public bool isPlayer;
 		public InteractionSystem interactionSystem;
 		public FullBodyBipedEffector effector;
 		public FinalIK_ResumeInteraction()
 			this.isDisplayed = true;
 			category = ActionCategory.Custom;
 			title = "Final IK - Resume an interaction";
 			description = "Resumes a paused interaction using the Final IK Interaction System";
             isPlayer = true;
 		override public float Run()
 			if (isPlayer)
 				interactionSystem = KickStarter.player.GetComponent<InteractionSystem>();
 				if (interactionSystem == null)
 					Debug.LogWarning("FinalIK_RunInteraction: No InteractionSystem found on Player.");
 					return 0f;
 			else if (interactionSystem == null)
 				Debug.LogWarning("FinalIK_RunInteraction: No InteractionSystem defined.");
 				return 0f;
 			return 0f;
 		override public void Skip(){
 		override public void ShowGUI()
 			isPlayer = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is player?", isPlayer);
 			if (!isPlayer)
 				interactionSystem = (InteractionSystem)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Character:", interactionSystem, typeof(InteractionSystem), true);
 			effector = (FullBodyBipedEffector)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Effector:", effector);

-Code provided by Larsos
